Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Social Sciences
    • Economics and Business
      • Finance


  • sustainability
  • Finance
  • Higher Education
  • Climate change
  • Insurance Brokers


In the field of research, he is Principal Investigator (PI) of the Finance and Insurance Research Group at UCV. The objective of the research group is the analysis and empirical study of the behavior of companies and markets in relation to different relevant events that affect the life of the company and that are markets representative for investors and regulators. The results of the research activity include publications in high impact journals indexed in Journal Citation journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) and Scopus, among other prestigious databases, and book chapters in the most important with book chapters in the main sections of the Scholary Published Indicators (SPI) classification. Thus, we highlight 28 publications: Articles (18) and Book Chapters (10). He also participates as a reviewer in scientific scientific journals, in the Scientific Committee of Congresses and as Board Member. Finally, he participates in 1 R+D+i R+D+i financed in competitive calls of Administrations or public entities: 1 as Principal Investigator (PI) and 1 as Researcher (R+D+i). (PI) and 1 as Researcher of Research Groups in Project of Internal Grants of the UCV. He is currently director of doctoral theses in the field of sustainability, climate change, brokers insurance and Higher Education.