Erwan Liberge

La Rochelle Université

Research Units

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Research Teams

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Present Academic Position:
Associate Professor (09/2009 - present), LaSIE -UMR CNRS 7356 (Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for the Environment), La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, France


Academic Qualifications:
Msc (2004), Ph.D. (2008), HDR (2023)

Trivia about me

I am an expert in computational mechanics, more precisely in computational methods for fluid-structure interaction (FSI). I develop approaches for reduced order models for FSI using reduced basis methods, and also methods for FSI in a Lattice Boltzmann framework.

Five most representative publications in recent five years:
1. Z. Benseghier, O. Millet, P. Philippe, A. Wautier, N. Younes, E. Liberge, "Relevance of capillary interfaces simulation with the Shan-Chen multiphase LB model",Granular Matter, (82),2022
1. E. Liberge, C. Béghein,"A Lattice Boltzmann approach for the fluid-structure interaction of a neo-Hookean medium",Physical Review E, 2022
2. P. Destuynder, E. Liberge, “A few remarks on penalty and penalty-duality methods in fluid-structure interactions”,Applied Numerical Mathematics, (167), 2021
3. M. Benamour, E. Liberge, and C. Béghein, “A volume penalization lattice Boltzmann method for simulating flows in the presence of obstacles”,Journal of Computational Science, (39), 2020
4. E. Longatte, E. Liberge, M. Pomarede, J.F. Sigrist, and A. Hamdouni, “Parametric study of Flow-Induced Vibrations in cylinder arrays under single-phase fluid cross flows using POD-ROM”,Journal of Fluids and Structures (78), 2018, p 314-330