Synthesis Formulation and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals


The main research interests of the Synthesis, formulation and evaluation of Pharmaceuticals (SFEP) Unit are:
Preparation of polymeric systems with the ability for microphase separation, leading to the formation of well-organized nanomorphologies in solution and in the solid state and the evaluation of polymeric materials to act as delivery systems for drugs and biological molecules.
Preparation of polymeric nanomaterials of pharmaceutical interest
Study of the coordination chemistry of radiometals with new donor atom systems for synthesis of new stable building blocks with the required physicochemical properties for the preparation of pharmacologically active compounds.
Design, synthesis and characterization of pharmacologically active complexes that bear on the one hand the coordinated radiometal (building blocks) and on the other the desired pharmacophore group that gives pharmacological activity.
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the radiolabelled compounds.
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of compounds with pleiotropic activity.
Structure-activity relationship study of antioxidant and/or anti-inflammatory derivatives.
Agents against inflammation, oxidative stress, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative disorders.
In vivo and in vitro methods for biological evaluation of compounds with pharmaceutical interest.
Toxicological evaluation of pharmaceutical compounds.

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Life Sciences
    • Applied Life Sciences, Biotechnology, and Molecular and Biosystems Engineering
      • Applied biotechnology
    • Applied Medical Technologies, Diagnostics, Therapies and Public Health
      • Diagnosis and treatment of disease


M. Georgios Papagiouvvannis

Frederick University
  • Research unit : Synthesis Formulation and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals chevron_right Member

Ms Maria Rikkou-Kalourkoti

Assistant Professor Leading Researcher (R4)
Frederick University
Disciplines : Life Sciences
  • Research unit : Synthesis Formulation and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals chevron_right Director

M. Panagiotis Theodosis-Nobelos

Lecturer Recognised Researcher (R2)
Frederick University
Disciplines : Life Sciences
  • Research unit : Synthesis Formulation and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals chevron_right Member

Charalampos Triantis

Frederick University
Disciplines : Life Sciences
  • Research unit : Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis Research Unit chevron_right Director
  • Research unit : Synthesis Formulation and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals chevron_right Member