Timothée Bonnet

La Rochelle Université

Research Units

Member In the research unit:

Research Teams

Member In the research team:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Life Sciences
    • Ecology, Evolution, Population and Environmental Biology
    • Genetics, ‘Omics’, Bioinformatics and System Biology
      • Quantitative genetics


  • Contemporary evolution
  • Bayesian modelling
  • Population dynamics
  • Natural selection
  • RAD-seq
  • Heritability
  • Mark-recapture
  • Life-history


CNRS Researcher at CEBC. Interested in contemporary change in wildlife, especially the roles of natural selection and genetic evolution over short time scales, and the consequences of phenotypic change for population dynamics and conservation. Current main work on albatrosses in the Austral Ocean, using a combination of long-term individual based and demographic data, pedigrees and genomic data.


PhD Evolutionary Biology, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2016.

Contact Info

place CEBC
405 route de Prissé la Charrière
79360 Villiers en Bois, France

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