Reda Jacynė

Klaipeda University

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Social Sciences
    • Educational Sciences
      • Teaching and learning art and humanities


2012 – Pedagogical name of Associated Professor (Klaipėda University).
2003 – PhD in Social Sciences (Education Sciences) (Klaipėda University).
1998 – Master of Social Sciences (Education Sciences) (Klaipėda University).
1996 – Bachelor of Social Sciences Educology and Professional Qualification of Teacher of Children, Primary School Teacher and Art Teacher (Klaipėda University).


Teacher training with specialization on life and information technology skills / 21stTS

15/11/2019 - 01/02/2024
21stTS aims at developing an educational programme which will focus on the most important transversal skills that need to be acquired, such as critical thinking, problem-solving and collaborative working. The project involves a pedagogical method and assessment that focuses on input and role learning. In this way, teachers and educators will need to acquire skills that can help them to align technologies with content and pedagogy. The instructions of educational standards will embody 21st century knowledge and skills, and will use a range of strategies to reach diverse students and to create an environment for the support of differentiated teaching and learning. Finally, the educational programme will use a variety of assessment strategies to evaluate student performance and will guide educators to act as mentors and as peer coaches with fellow educators.

“Integration of IREX’s Learn to Discern (L2D) methodology into teacher training programmes at Klaipeda University

15/04/2022 - 31/03/2023
The program will integrate
IREX’s Learn to Discern (L2D) methodology into existing courses, concentrating on information
dissemination in the digital age and making sure that the student group contains representatives of
ethnic minorities and other vulnerable populations who may be more vulnerable to disinformation and
propaganda. Extracurricular seminars/additional offerings will allow students can explore how
disinformation, manipulation, hate speech, etc., are used to negatively influence audiences and decision
making. Through the adapted curricula, future educators will have the skills and resources to integrate
media literacy into their classrooms.