Catholic University of Valencia

Research Teams

Responsible In the research team:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Social Sciences
    • Law, Organization Theory, Public Administration
      • Civil law


  • woman
  • minor
  • disability
  • vulnerable groups
  • person
  • family
  • family crises
  • successions, inherithances


Professor of Civil Law at the Catholic University of Valencia "San Vicente Martir”, Bachelor's degree from the University of Valencia. PhD in Law from the Jaume I University of Castellón (2000).

I have collaborated as a professor at the Valenecia University, Antonio de Nebrija and European University of Madrid, in Valencia. I have been General Secretary of European University in Valencia and ESTEMA University Center. Also, Secretary of the Law Faculty in Catholic University of Valencia.

I am currently, Director of the Department of Private Law of the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” since 2011.

PI of the Permanent Research Group of the Catholic University of Valencia “San Vicente Martir”: “New challenges of Civil Law of the 21st century: Legal issues related to the defense of the person and their inviolable rights, property conflicts and derivatives of their integration in the family” since 2018 and is a member of the Permanent Research Group of the University of Valencia “Research Group Person and Family” (GIUV2013-101), within the framework of which he has developed his scientific work in matters of person, family and inheritance , in which he has given numerous conferences and presentations.

My scientific production includes numerous articles published in international scientific journals and publishers including Tirant lo Blanch, Aranzadi, Colex or Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, Revista de Derecho Civil, Teorder, Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana or Revista Boliviana de Derecho, among others.

My areas of interest mainly include several lines, all of them closely linked to the person and the family, and have been divided into the following areas on which I have given numerous conferences, lectures and communications.
Also, I have been author, director and coordinator of collective works, monographs, book chapters, articles in prestigious legal magazines and in other
other journals on:

-Analysis on the protection of the dignity and rights of women, minors, persons with disabilities and vulnerable persons.

- Analysis of the personal and patrimonial problems of the persons derived from their integration in the family: extinction of the conjugal bond, liquidation of the economic-matrimonial regime, exercise of parental authority and inheritance issues.
- Issues related to the right to housing.
- Defense and recovery of Valencian foral civil law.

I belong to different academic associations like the Association of Professors of Civil law;the Association of Valencian Jurists; I'm Head of the Women's Section of the Ibero-American Law Institute. Member of the Chair of Women's Studies at the Catholic University of Avila, and member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal "Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana".


Degree in Law (University of Valencia, 1987)
PhD in Law (University of Jaume I, Castellón, 2000)