Ms Panayiota Kyriakou

Frederick University

Research Units

Director In the research unit:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Social Sciences
    • Educational Sciences
      • New technologies in education
      • Non formal education/museum education
    • Political Science
      • International relations


A versatile, political scientist with a strong academic background in applied crisis and security management and sound understanding of broader security and defence challenges at European level and in an intergovernmental context. Excellent research, drafting and coordination skills. A result-focused and flexible problem solver with a strong sense of engagement, confidentiality and tact (security cleared).
As a Project Manager and a Researcher I am currently dealing with the handling of European projects and proposal writing for various types of Calls. My responsibilities include the coordination and completion of awarded projects on
time, within budget and scope. Setting deadlines, monitoring and summarizing the progress of various projects as well as measuring project performance using appropriate tools and techniques are some of my daily tasks.
During my incumbency as a Project Manager at the Company in which I began my career I was preparing reports for upper management regarding status of projects addressed to European Commission and I was involved in proposal writing for diverse European Calls. As a Project Manager, I was in contact directly with partners, clients and the target group of each project to ensure that the deliverables fall within the applicable scope.


Master of Science in Crisis and Security Management, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs Leiden University
Bachelor's in political science, University of Cyprus
International Relations, Erasmus Metropolitan University Prague



01/11/2022 - 01/05/2024
The FIT project targets primary and secondary level Education. In the continuation of the former Erasmus+ Gender4STEM project, it will provide an advanced digital assistant platform promoting fair teaching materials and a hands-on training, mainly for teachers in STEM disciplines: 1) To allow them to find out how fair their teaching is 2) To step up their fair teaching practices 3) To give consequently equal opportunities and access to STEM disciplines among diverse range of pupils (boys and girls, less-advantaged audiences…). The FIT project tackles barriers linked to
discrimination linked to gender, age, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, or intersectional factors. It promotes inclusion, diversity and fairness. Moreover, the project aims to develop the accessibility of Gender4STEM assets extending thus the contents for primary Schools, its Multilanguage dimension and the gender fair competencies framework to intersectional approach. In that sense it firstly answers the “Diversity and Inclusion” priority of the Erasmus+ programme. On this advanced digital assistant platform, the FIT project will provide teachers with digital tools like assessment questionnaires (self-assessment test and judgmental situational questions), training sessions in different
format to explore (MOOC, webinars, etc.), algorithms that provide recommendations of fair teaching materials and interactive features (e.g. opportunities to give feedback about the use teaching materials, to rate and comment them, ant to suggest new ones) that contribute to build the FIT community of practice. It contributes to support teachers in enhancing digital skills and competence development and engage them in digital transformation.


14/02/2022 - 14/04/2024
Skills such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye bye” are called developmental milestones. According to the Center for Disease Control (2018) children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move (crawling, walking, etc.). Early identification of developmental delays is at the utmost importance in a child’s development. In order to have an efficient Early Identification and Early Intervention, certain practices must be set in place such as standardized instruments for screening and assessments as well as strategies for work with children with delays. In these modern times, we need to utilize all the available technology and create tools which are free and accessible to all. In that direction, this project will focus on the creation of an e-learning OER that will contain various screening methods for identification of children with disabilities as well as early intervention working strategies. These instruments stem from the project results. The content from the web-based OER (enriched with developmental check-lists and video/audio materials with exercises) will be the basis on which a development tracker mobile application will be created. Through this app, students in the early education field but also parents, caregivers, educators and special educators can monitor the development of each child and work with the children in home and/or professional settings. Ultimately, the content developed in the first part of the project will lead to the Update of University curricula in the area of Early Intervention for children with developmental delay in all HEIs participating in this project with a possibility of further dissemination with other universities, schools, preschool institutions and so on.


01/02/2022 - 01/02/2024
BLISS aims to respond to the 'health need' and the associated need to have the tools to find, analyze and understand health-related news with an integrated educational and social intervention. These skills are part of 'digital health literacy', as defined by the WHO. The intervention is particularly urgent in the current period, in which the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are evident and severe, particularly in the population segments of developmental age. The acronym chosen, BLISS, is not accidental: the project wants to offer the beneficiaries a better quality of life and well-being for their future, thanks to the acquisition of fundamental skills for personal growth and active European citizenship. The objective of improving citizens' health has in fact a transnational scope, as clearly stated in the European Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020. In this context, digital technologies play a crucial role, contributing to the achievement of the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. The data collected from the preliminary surveys carried out by the partners show a fair degree of awareness among young people about what are the most reliable and safe resources in relation to health, as well as the importance of checking and investigating different sources. However, the vast majority of people involved states not to completely trust information on the web and is interested in acquiring appropriate skills and having access to innovative and reliable tools. The school is identified as an important actor, and the BLISS approach contributes to this. BLISS aims to contribute to the development of Digital Health Literacy in Europe through targeted training, documentation and experimentation in the school sector. In particular, the project's activities will focus on news recognition and understanding, in line with the EU's "commitment to protect societies, citizens and freedoms from hybrid threats, including misinformation and disinformation", as outlined in the Strategic Agenda 2019- 2024.


01/02/2022 - 01/02/2024
Digital health literacy (or digital health literacy) is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate health information from computerised sources and to apply the knowledge gained to address or solve a health problem. The project will enable citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment, and facilitate communication with health professionals. It will also help ensure more equitable access to health care while facilitating access to health information for adults with fewer opportunities and less access to reliable sources on a topic as important as health, especially in this time of global Health Emergency. The project has as general objectives the reduction of the digital health literacy gap, which can lead to social exclusion. exclusion, the inclusion of potentially vulnerable target groups (especially older people, people with a migrant background and their families) and the development of new skills that can lead to better social and health care, first for the individual and later for the community. Taking into account the above, the specific objectives of our proposal are: 1) To define a framework for digital competences in health (DigCompHealth) to help adult educators plan and propose training pathways that are flexible and responsive to the needs of the diverse target groups of adult education. 2) Develop and test a modular and blended training based on the previous framework and aiming to promote digital health literacy at European level by focusing on the dissemination of positive collective awareness processes, peer learning and crowdsourcing. 3) Provide a set of training tools (training toolkit), including a "European Health Netiquette", a code of conduct with recommendations for promoting health literacy for training centres and policy makers, together with guidelines for transferability and upscaling of project results.


04/04/2021 - 30/04/2023
OLMedu project aims at the creation of an open lab for the up-skilling of HES staff in online management education. Its main objectives are:

a)To provide higher educational staff with the proper knowledge, skills and competences required to facilitate distance learning using technologies and tools of online training

b) To cultivate their ability to embed the appropriate pedagogies, into the online environment, form their teaching-learning process using online methodologies, adjusted to the training context of management education

c) To create training activities and learning material to be studied and learn how to integrate them into strategic scenarios

d) To create the capacity of HEI training staff to develop online simulations and integrate them in their training offering practice using a newly developed user-friendly tool

e) To create an open access learning repository and online community of practice for the development of online training delivery skills and competences for HEI educational staff.

The activities foreseen aim to produce the following outputs:

a) The development of training content for the up-skilling of HES in the use of ICT technologies and online training in ME

b) The development of learning material for the use of online training and ICT technologies in teaching management c) The development of a Toolbox for developing online simulations in ME

d) The development of an online learning repository for HEI educational staff OLMEdu will apply a combination of active, collaborative, experiential, reflective and transformational learning, employing project work, team work, design thinking, problem solving and other process-oriented, adult learning techniques.


01/11/2020 - 31/10/2022
In comparison with big firms, small businesses confront several problems in the business economy. Many of them face barriers in entering trade markets, while others can confront difficulties in several sectors, such as transactions, data storage, cash flow, and security but also for efficiently protecting IP. When it comes to security issues and in particular, data storage, many companies use the Internet of Things (IoT) for this scope, as big number of devices connected to the internet give the opportunity to control data. Nevertheless, managing all of these IoT devices and the data included in them, becomes often a challenge for enterprises. In addition to this, other security issues may include other fields such as digital transactions, digital identity, communication with others, etc. The other problems that mentioned above, namely transactions and cash flow are problems that many SMEs face in the field of finances, in conjunction with other issues, such as payments, investments, etc. The objectives of the project are the following: a) Assist SMEs improve their place in business economy, b) Promote the use of new technologies in SMEs, c) Empower managers/owners of SMEs with the essential skills and knowledge regarding blockchain technology in order to help them run and manage their businesses successfully d) develop strategies and actions that present an innovative approach on blockchain technology education.

Trivia about me

Languages: Greek, English, French, Czech
Conferences & Seminars: Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria
Digital Skills: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Social Media, Microsoft Powerpoint, Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft Excel, Google Drive, Internet user, Google Docs, Zoom, Outlook, LinkedIn, Gmail.
Hard and Soft Skills:
Sound understanding of local/global security management and methodologies
Interdisciplinary research skills
Excellent drafting skills in Greek and English (reports, minutes, briefings)
Excellent presentation skills (Greek/English)
Strong Voluntary Background

Contact Info

place Gianni Freiderikou 7
1036  Nicosia , Cyprus

Find me on the web