M. Muhammad Muzzamil Luqman

Research Engineer (Permanent) Established Researcher (R3)
La Rochelle Université

Research Units

Member In the research unit:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Engineering Sciences & Technology
    • Computer and telecommunications engineering
      • Information and intelligent systems engineering


  • Computer science
  • Patter Recognition


For more information please visit my webpage: http://pageperso.univ-lr.fr/muhammad_muzzamil.luqman


Ph.D. computer science

News about me & my work

You may follow the news on my webpage: http://pageperso.univ-lr.fr/muhammad_muzzamil.luqman

Trivia about me

Please visit my webpage: http://pageperso.univ-lr.fr/muhammad_muzzamil.luqman