Laurent Picot

La Rochelle Université

Research Units

Member In the research unit:

Research Teams

Member In the research team:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Life Sciences
    • Applied Life Sciences, Biotechnology, and Molecular and Biosystems Engineering
      • Applied biotechnology
      • Applied plant and animal sciences
      • Environmental and marine biotechnology


  • Pigments
  • marine biotechnology
  • marine pharmacology
  • cancer
  • infection
  • marine drugs
  • natural products
  • marine microbiology


Dr Laurent PICOT, 49 years old, born 08/09/1974 in St-Valéry-en-Caux (76, France).,
Phone: 0033546458220
Function: Professor assistant Out of grade in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, La Rochelle
University, France, Dpt of Biotechnology.
Teaching: Pharmacology, Immunology, Marine Biotechnology, Marine Pharmacology, Cell biology, Microbiology, Cancerology, Biochemistry. Marine Biotech and Pharmacology in the EU Conexus European Master.
Lab: UMR CNRS 7266 Littoral Environment and Societies LIENSs Team: BCBS Molecular Approaches Environment and Health. Team leader Pigments and Heterocycles. Doctoral school: ED 618 Euclide LR Univ.

2013 Professoral Habilitation (HDR) (PhD supervision) in Biochemistry « Natural molecules from marine and terrestrial biomasses: Extraction, purification, synthesis, pharmacomodulation and demonstration of pharmacological activities ». La Rochelle University, France.
2003 PhD Microbiology, with honours and jury congratulations, University of Rouen, France, “In vitro study of the cytotoxicity of Pseudomonas fluorescens on neurons and glial cells ”.
Master 2 Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Paris VI/ENS
Master 1 Cell Biology and Physiology/Neurosciences, Rouen.

Scientific expertise
Marine Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Marine Pharmacology, Marine Microbiology, Immunology, Pharmacology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Microalgae, Seaweeds, Pigments, heterocycles, Natural Products, Terrestrial and Marine Pharmacognosy.

Scientific activity (March 2022)
1 French patent (Microalgae pigments for phototherapy), 86 publications in international peer-reviewed journals (Biotechnology, Phycology, Biochemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Immunology and Bacteriology, Marine drugs), 5 book chapters, 80 international conferences, 43 posters at international conferences, h index scopus: 29, Citations: 2566 by 2254 documents. Supervision of 5 PhD students, rapporteur of 1 Professoral habilitation, members of 7 recruitment committees of university Professor Assistants, 12 PhD committees and juries. Associate Editor of marine Drugs (3 Special issues antiproliferative marine drugs, marine pigments, pharmacological models and assays for marine drugs, member of the editorial board Marine Pharmacology). Reviewer for Nature Microbiology, Marine Drugs, Microalgae Biotechnology, Process Biochemistry, Médecine/Sciences, The Journal of Food Chemistry, The Journal of Food Biochemistry, Gut pathogens, The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Coordinator of the Franco-Brazilian network on Natural products and member of several international networks in natural products, chemistry, pharmacology (including Interreg EnhanceMicroalgae consortium).
5 recent references illustrating the research activity
• French Patent FR2003712. Bérard J.B., Lefoulon L., Picot L., Ouk T.S., Saad N., Landolt C., Grenier K., Sol V. Use of a polar extract of Skeletonema in a photodynamic therapy. Patent deposited on the 14/04/2020.
• Gonçalves de Oliveira Junior R., Nicolau E., Bonnet A., Prunier G., Beaugeard L., Joguet N., Thiéry V., Picot L. Carotenoids from Rhodomonas salina induce apoptosis and chemosensitization of human melanoma cells to vemurafenib and dacarbazine. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 30, 155-168, 2020.
• Gonçalves de Oliveira Junior R., Marcoult-Freville N., Prunier G., Beaugeard L., Beserra de Alencar Filho E., Simões Mourão E.D., Quintans-Júnior L.J., Guedes da Silva Almeida J., Grougnet R., Picot L. Polymethoxyflavones from Gardenia oudiepe (Rubiaceae) induce cytoskeleton disruption-mediated apoptosis and sensitize BRAF-mutated melanoma cells to chemotherapy. Chemico-Biological Interactions 325, Article 109109, 2020.
• Haguet Q., Bonnet A., Bérard J.B., Goldberg J., Joguet N., Fleury A., Thiéry V. & Picot L. Antimelanoma activity of Heterocapsa triquetra pigments. Algal research 25, 207-215, 2017.
• Serive B., Nicolau E., Bérard J.B., Kaas R., Pasquet V. Picot L. & Cadoret J.P. Community analysis of pigment patterns from 37 microalgae strains reveals new carotenoids and porphyrins characteristic of distinct strains and taxonomic groups. Plos one 12(2):e0171872, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171872, February 2017.


Professoral Habilitation in Biochemistry, La Rochelle Univ. 2013

PhD in Microbiology, Rouen Univ., 2003

Master in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, Paris 6 Univ., 1998

Licence and M1 in Cell Biology and Physiology, Rouen Univ., 1997