Gheorghe BADEA

Prof.Habil.PhD.Eng. Leading Researcher (R4)
Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest

Research Units

Member In the research unit:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Engineering Sciences & Technology
    • Civil, Surveying & Architectural engineering
      • Other


  • Surveying
  • Cadastre
  • Databases
  • Web GIS applications
  • Sustainability
  • Geospatial Standards
  • Land Administration
  • Land Administration Domain Model
  • Land Information Systems
  • Geospatial Processing


Trivia about me

Gheorghe Badea is professor at the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Faculty of Geodesy, Surveying and Cadastre Deapartment. He holds the habiliation certificate in Geodetic Engineering. He was also Advisory Expert and Counselor at National Agency of Cadastre and Land Registration, Romania, being involved in developing of “Technical rules for the implementation of ETRS89 in Romania and the proposed law on the adoption of a new cartographic projections in Romania”. He is involved in teaching activities at three remarkable universities from Bucharest: Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, "Ion Mincu" - University of Architecture and Urbanism and University of Bucharest. Prof. Dr. Badea is member of the Romanian Surveyors Union, member of National Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. He is Dean of the Faculty of Geodesy, Bucharest and he coordinated as President of the organizing committee, two editions of the GeoPreVi international symposium of the Faculty of Geodesy, together with FIG Commissions.(,