M. Florentino Huertas Olmedo
Research Teams
Physical Activity, Performance and Quality of Life
Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas
Life Sciences
Applied Medical Technologies, Diagnostics, Therapies and Public Health
- Diagnostic tools
Other Life Sciences
- Other Life Sciences
Applied Medical Technologies, Diagnostics, Therapies and Public Health
Social Sciences
- Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Florentino Huertas is Associate Proffesor in Football, Sport Conditioning and Strength, New Technologies Applied to Physical Education & Sport at Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Sciences Research is related to the modulation of attention (alertness, spatial orienting and executive control) by variables involved in physical activity and exercise (physical or psychological fatigue, type of practice- open vs. closed sports-, stimulants, acute vs. habitual effects of exercise on cognition,...)
From 1994 to 1999 Graduate and PhD Physical Education & Sport Sciences (Departamento de Educación Física y Deportes)- University of Valencia
From 2005 PhD in Sport Sciences- University of Valencia
Brain Health and Resilience Valencia Challenge
Cognitive Activity
Physical Activity
General Health
Vital Purpose
It protects us from developing symptoms, even though the disease may have started, and helps us to minimise the impact of neurological and mental illnesses by reducing the intensity of their manifestations.
D.A.R.T Diabetes- Augmented Reality Training
Funding Entity: European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Participating entities: Fundación Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir, Valencia (Spain); CUS Padova, Padova (Italy). Maiandros Epe (Meandros Ltd), Athens (Greece); Zajednica Sportskih Udruga Grada Rijeke Rijecki Sportski Savez, Rijeka (Croatia); Associacao De Futebol De Braganca (Afb), Braganca (Portugal); Asociatia Copiilor Si Tinerilor Diabetici Mures - Ascotid (Ascotid), Tirgu (Romania); and Tool Pliroforikis Kai Epikoinonias Etaireia Periorismenis Evthinis, Vironas (Greece).
Duration: 2 years. From 01-01-2024 until 31-12-2025
Principal Investigator: Florentino Huertas No. researchers:31
Grant amount: Total: 250.000 € UCV: 42.000 €.
Generate change toward sustainability through youth participation, sport and exploration (GREENTRACE)
Funding Entity: EACEA-Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Participating entities: CUS Padova, Padova (Italy), Fundación Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir, Valencia (Spain), Stichting Anatta Foundation, Aalten (The Netherlands), Budapesti Egyesulet a Nemzetkozi Sportert, Budapest (Hungary), Asociacija ‘Aktyvus Jaunimas’, Kaunas (Lithuania).
Duration: 2 years. From 01-05-2023 to 30-04-2025
Researcher in charge: Francesco Uguagliati. Coord. UCV: Florentino Huertas No. researchers:28
Amount of the grant: Total: 250.000 € UCV: 35100 €.
Healthy life habits and relationship with the use of digital screens in Spanish children aged 3 to 6 years (IISSAAR-E)
Funding entity: Catholic University of Valencia.
Participating entities: Catholic University of Valencia.
Duration: 12 months. From 01-2023 to 12-2023
Principal Investigator: Florentino Huertas and Ana Pablos No. of researchers: 9 Amount of the grant: 6500
Effects of Musical and Sports Training as Factors in the Development of Executive Functions and Protection against their Deterioration with Age
Funding entity: Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad (Regional Ministry of Knowledge, Research and University). General Secretariat for Universities, Research and Technology of the Andalusian Regional Government.
Participating entities: University of Granada, Catholic University of Valencia, Biocruces Health Research Institute. Hospital Uni- versitario de Cruces, Spain, Fundacion de la Comunidad Valenciana Universidad Internacional de Valencia, University of Rome, La Sapienza.
Duration: 3 years. From 01-2021 to 12-2023
Principal Investigator: Juan Lupiañez No. investigators: 20 Grant amount: 101200 €.
Doping Roadblock Game In Sport - Augmented Reality (DO.R.G.I.S- AR)
Entidad financiadora: EACEA-Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Entidades participantes: Scoala Gimnaziala Rediu (Romania),Associacao De Futebol De Braganca (Portugal), Centro Universitario Sportivo - Cuspadova - Associazione Sportiva (Italy), Fundacion Universidad Catolica De Valencia San Vicente Martir (Spain),Maiandros Epe (Greece),Zachodniopomorski Zwiazek Towarzystw Krzewienia Kultury (Poland),Zajednica Sportskih Udruga Grada Rijeke Rijecki Sportski Savez (Croatia) http://dorgisproject.eu
Duración: 2 años. Desde 01-2021 hasta 12-2022
Investigador responsable: Ilie Florica. Coord. UCV: Florentino Huertas N º investigadores:33
Cuantía de la subvención: Total: 257.465 € UCV: 33795 €
Effect of relative age in women's grassroots football in the Valencian Community.
Funding entity: Directorate General for Science and Research. Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society. Generalitat Valenciana.
Participating entities: Catholic University of Valencia, International University of Valencia (VIU), Universitá Foro Italico of Rome.
Duration: 2 years. From 08-2020 to 12-2021
Researcher responsible: Rafael Ballester No. researchers: 5 Grant amount: 10,700 €.
Executive vigilance and activation in the context of measuring attentional performance
Funding entity: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
Participating entities: University of Granada, Catholic University of Valencia, Mc Master University (Hamilton, Canada), Hospital de San Rafael (Granada).
Duration: 3 years. From 01-2018 to 06-2021
Principal Investigator: Juan Lupiañez No. of researchers: 8 Amount of the grant: 156,816 €.
Development and validation of assessment systems for Vigilance and Alertness. Relationship with indicators of specific performance and physical fitness in the academic and sports environment
Funding entity: Catholic University of Valencia.
Participating entities: Catholic University of Valencia.
Duration: 15 months. From 05-2019 to 07-2020
Principal Investigator: Florentino Huertas No. of researchers: 6 Grant amount: 6000 €.
Trivia about me
Florentino Huertas is Associate Professor in Football, Sport Conditioning and Strength, New Technologies Applied to Physical Education & Sport at Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Sciences.
Research is related to the modulation of attention (alertness, spatial orienting and executive control) by variables involved in physical activity and exercise (physical or psychological fatigue, type of practice- open vs. closed sports-, stimulants, acute vs. habitual effects of exercise on cognition,...)
Contact Info
language florentino.huertas@ucv.es place Virgen de la Soledad, s/n46900 Torrent, Spain