Edgar Emilio Bastidas Arteaga
Research Units

Laboratory of Engineering Sciences for the Environment
Research Teams
Transfers, degradation and recovery of materials
Pr. Bastidas-Arteaga received his BSc in Civil Engineering from The National University of Colombia in 2003 and his MSc in Structural Engineering from Los Andes University (Colombia) in 2005. Afterwards, he obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering from Los Andes University in 2009, a second PhD in Engineering Sciences from University of Nantes (France) in 2010, and an Accreditation to Supervise Research (HDR) from University of Nantes in 2017.
He is Professor at La Rochelle University since 2020 where his research work aims at providing robust stochastic frameworks to optimise design, inspection and maintenance of ageing coastal and offshore structures. To accomplish this goal, his research project focuses on three aspects:
· Probabilistic modelling of deterioration processes (corrosion, fatigue, biodeterioration, cracking, etc.) and its interaction with climate (temperature, humidity, climate change, etc.).
· Characterisation of the performance of (i) properties of construction materials (concrete, wood) and (ii) inspection and repair techniques, by experimental means.
· Optimisation of design, inspection and maintenance of systems on the basis of deterioration rate, risk of failure, failure costs and environmental impact.
He is co-author of more than 150 technical papers and reports. He has been involved as leader, work-package leader or partner into several research projects on reliability and maintenance of deteriorated reinforced concrete structures granted by regional, national, European and international funds.