Catholic University of Valencia

Research Teams

Member In the research team:


  • entrepreneurial intentions
  • soft skills
  • critical thinking
  • entrepreneurial capacities


I was born in Valencia in 1984. I have Spanish and French nationalities and I can speak Spanish, Catalan, English and French.
I am an assistant professor at the Catholic University of Valencia. I earned an international PhD in 2016 and I am a Doctor in Translation and Interpreting. In my PhD I explored the Translation and Interpreting professional market in Spain and looked into the business and management side of Translation firms. My research focus was on firm survival.
At the moment I work at the Faculty of Business as an international coordinator for outgoing students, and I teach Business English courses. I also teach at the Faculty of Education different courses for both undergraduates and postgraduates and supervise undergraduate and Masters’ thesis dissertations. I am a member of the UCV’s research group IGALA and I have a line of research on learning strategies and active methodologies. I both teach and do research on soft skills, in particular, critical thinking, collaborative work, and communication skills.
My research interests are 1) soft skills in higher education and the use of active methodologies, 2) entrepreneurial intention of university students.

I have participated in three research mobilities: University of Paris 13 (France, 2014), Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (Spain, 2015) and Indiana University (USA, 2016). I have published articles in international SCI-ranked journals such as Management Decision, Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Management, The Service Industries Journal, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, and others, in the areas of entrepreneurship and business, and teaching innovation. I have also attended national and international conferences such as the AOM (Academy of Management, ACIEK), workshops and seminars and since 2011 I collaborate with different journals as a reviewer.


Bachelor Degree in Translation and Interpreting (UMHE)
Master's Degree in Institutional Translation (UA)
Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training (UV)
PhD in Translation and Interpreting (UA)