Christos Markides

Frederick University

Research Units

Member In the research unit:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Engineering Sciences & Technology
    • Computer and telecommunications engineering
      • Information and intelligent systems engineering
  • Mathematics & Information Sciences
    • Computer and information sciences
      • Computer graphics, computer vision, multimedia, computer games
      • Web and information systems, database systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion
    • Mathematics
      • Analysis


  • Operating Systems
  • Databases
  • Big Data
  • Data Analytics
  • DataScience
  • Deep Learning


Dr Christos Markides is a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics at Frederick University Cyprus. He joined the faculty in 2002, teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level courses. He received his BSc Hons. in Cybernetics and Computer Science, and MSc (Dist.) in Engineering and Information Sciences from the University of Reading, UK in 1999 and 2001 respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences at City University London, U.K in 2014. He is a member of IEEE, and ACM, and reviewer for IEEE, as well as an Honorary Research Visiting Fellow at the School of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering at City University of London, UK. Dr Christos Markides has actively participated in designing and developing various information systems for desktop and mobile platforms for different research programmes funded by the European Union and the Research and Innovation Foundation. His current research interests include the investigation of technologies, and architectures for Big Data systems and platforms in terms of the underlying operating systems, and database systems. Moreover, his research interests include Big Data Analytics, Deep Learning, and Visualisation in Mobile and Cloud Computing Environments, for obtaining insight for various data analysis projects.


PhD Information Engineering, City University, London, UK, 2014
MSc (Distinction) Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Reading, UK, 2002
BSc (Honors) in Computer Science and Cybernetics, University of Reading, UK, 1999

Contact Info

place 7 Y. Frederickou, 1036 Pallouriotissa
1036 Nicosia, Cyprus

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