Bettina Eichler-Löbermann

University of Rostock

Research Units

Member In the research unit:

Research Teams

Member In the research team:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Agricultural Sciences – Food Science & Technology
    • Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
      • Agriculture
      • Agronomy
    • Biodiversity


  • nutrient cycles
  • cropping systems
  • soil quality
  • recycling fertilizer
  • phosphorus
  • Mixed cropping
  • Agroforestry


Bettina Eichler-Löbermann (Prof. Dr.) is an Associate Professor at the department of Crop Science and Agronomy at the University of Rostock (Germany). She has comprehensive experiences in management of agroecosystems with a focus on phosphorus cycles. Further research focuses on the use of waste and residues in plant production and the design of mixed cropping systems. She coordinated about 40 national and international projects or work packages of projects. Regional focus of is Latin America and Sub-Sahara Africa where she coordinated several projects on Resource Management and Agro-Biodiversity with institutions in Cuba, Nicaragua, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil. She is also involved in many activities in the Baltic Sea region and leads the partnership of the University of Rostock within the EU-Conexus-Project. Scientific results were published in about 300 papers (85 listed in ISI and Scopus, h-index 24). From 2013 to 2018 she was Vice-President for Internationalisation, Gender and Diversity of the University of Rostock.

