Antri Constantinou
Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas
Humanities & Arts
Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
- Performing arts studies (Musicology, Theater science, Dramaturgy)
Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
STUDIES: PhD in Theatre Studies, Department of Theatre, Fine Arts Faculty, Aristotelian University of Salonika; BA in Theatre Studies Department of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Associate professor in Frederick University (CY) in Drama and Puppetry in Education and Theatre History (since 2010); Teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate modules at Pre-Primary and Primary Programs of Study, School of Education and Social Sciences (Department of Education). Teaching of several modules for the Department of Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies (undergraduate and postgraduate program) and the Department of Education (Pre-service Teacher Training Programme) in University of Cyprus (2005-2010). MOBILITY: Workshop and lectures in Peloponnese University (GR), Lahti University of Applied Sciences (FI) and University of Toronto (CA). DRAMA EDUCATION: Drama teacher in all levels of education in public and private schools in Greece and Cyprus; coordinator and facilitator for Theatre Workshop-Camp in Kaminaria, Limassol (2000-2005), a project with adolescents funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. STAGE DIRECTOR: Elena Penga’s “Kathe Kollewitz presents a brief history of modern art” (2017); Charalambos Yiannou’s “By a thread” (2011), as a part of Panagiotis Michael Project “Scenic affairs”; Antonis Georgiou’s “The Disease” (2009); Loula Anagnostaki’s “Deep Red Sky” (2008). Assistant director of Lefteris Vogiatzis (Nea Skini, Athens and Evis Gabrielides (THOC, Nicosia). DRAMATURGE: Dramaturge for the state theatre of Cyprus THOC (2005-2008). COMMITTEES: appointment by two Deputy Ministers of Culture as a member of the committees for evaluation of applications for funding of theatre productions (Thymeli) for the years 2023 και 2024. RESEARCH & PUPLICATIONS: Cyprus Theatre Museum, Limassol: Research, collection acquisition, text compilation; Cyprus State Award for 2007 for her book Theatre in Cyprus (1960-1974): the theatre companies, the state policy and the foundation of Cyprus Theatre Organization, Athens: Kastaniotis; research and several publications on Cyprus theatre history, on Cypriot playwrights and on Drama and Theatre in Education. Co-editor: CONSTANTINOU H., A. & I. CHADJICOSTI (ed.) (2013). Ancient theatre and Cyprus. Symposium Proceedings. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia and CONSTANTINOU H., A., Κ. DIAMANTAKOU, L. GALAZIS (ed.) (2020). Theatre in modern and contemporary Cyprus. Conference Proceedings. Herodotos-Cyprus Theatre Museum, Athens.
1997: BA in Theatre Studies Department of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2004: PhD in Theatre Studies, Department of Theatre, Fine Arts Faculty, Aristotelian University of Salonika
2009: Certificate, Pre-Service Teacher Training Programme for Drama Teachers
Education Department, University of Cyprus