M. Andreas Konstantinidis

Associate Professor - Researcher Established Researcher (R3)
Frederick University

Research Units

Director In the research unit:
Member In the research unit:

Disciplines, scientific fields, research areas

  • Engineering Sciences & Technology
    • Computer and telecommunications engineering
      • Computational methods in engineering
      • Information and intelligent systems engineering


  • Mobile Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Web and Mobile Systems
  • Smart Systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT) (Industrial, Maritime, Transportation, Healthcare)


Andreas Constantinides (Ph.D) is an affiliated senior researcher with the Frederick Research Center and an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics, the director of the MSc in Web and Smart Systems and the director of the Mobile Devices Laboratory (MDL) with the Frederick University. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Essex, UK. His research work focuses on Mobile Computing, Web and Smart Systems (IoT), Computer Networks, as well as Multi-Objective Optimization using Artificial Intelligence with specialization in Evolutionary Computation. His work is published in more than 50 esteemed academic journals and international conference proceedings and he served as a referee for several scientific journals as well as a committee member on various international conferences. Dr. Constantinides participated/participating in >20 national (e.g., RPF Restart 2016-2020, RIF Bridge 2021) and EU funded projects (e.g., FP7, H2020, EU Just, EU Life, Erasmus+), in three (3) of which as a Coordinator/Principal Investigator, with a total budget of ~30M euro (around 2.5M funding for MDL). He directs and supervises a research group of one Post-Doctoral researcher, four PhD students, four software developers, two project managers and one digital marketeer. He has also established collaborations with several software companies and public organizations securing in this way various industrial grants and public procurements with a total budget of around 0.5M euro. He was recently awarded the national Educational Leaders award for his contribution to the society via technological innovations. Dr. Constantinides is also the director of the Horizontal thematic area “Digital Transformation” for Limassol city in Cyprus that was selected in the EU Missions
100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030.


PhD – Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

M.Sc. (Dist.) – Master of Science (with Distinction) in Computer and Information Networks

B.Sc. (Hons) – Bachelor of Science (with Honors) in Computer Engineering.

Higher National Diploma (HND) in Electrical Engineering

News about me & my work

Teaching Experience
Frederick University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Cyprus
Teaching and Course Coordinator (Postgraduate Level), 2013-present:
Ubiquitous Computing, Interactive Systems Design for Web Systems, Research Seminar Series I & II
(Coordinator), Research Proposal (Coordinator), Master Thesis (Coordinator)
Summary on Research Projects (since 2017)
Total # of Projects: 25
Total Projects Funding: €29,207,423.00
Total Funding (MDL/Personal): €2,437,383.00



01/11/2023 - 30/08/2024
The Green-HIT project aims at designing and developing a holistic IoT platform for forest management and monitoring using cutting edge Information and
Communication Technologies to promote digital and green technology. The platform will support
(a) prevention, detection, and reaction to forest fires,
(b) afforestation and/or reforestation recommendations,
(c) protecting forests from illegal logging and hunting,
(d) monitoring forests and
forest areas as well as protecting the biodiversity within the forests, and
(e) forest mapping and inventory by collecting, combining and analyzing field data and remote sensed data. This will be achieved by utilizing state-of-the-art knowhow and technologies in the areas of Web and Mobile Computing, Big Data Management, Machine Learning and Optimization, Earth Observation, space technology and Geospatial Information for remote sensing and satellite image
processing/analysis, fire probability calculation for prevention, fire detection, and fire reaction by simulating a fire’s behaviour, as well as deployment of IoT sensors and actuators, UAVs and use of LoRaWAN communication.


01/02/2022 - 01/02/2024
Digital health literacy (or digital health literacy) is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate health information from computerised sources and to apply the knowledge gained to address or solve a health problem. The project will enable citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment, and facilitate communication with health professionals. It will also help ensure more equitable access to health care while facilitating access to health information for adults with fewer opportunities and less access to reliable sources on a topic as important as health, especially in this time of global Health Emergency. The project has as general objectives the reduction of the digital health literacy gap, which can lead to social exclusion. exclusion, the inclusion of potentially vulnerable target groups (especially older people, people with a migrant background and their families) and the development of new skills that can lead to better social and health care, first for the individual and later for the community.
Taking into account the above, the specific objectives of our proposal are:
1) To define a framework for digital competences in health (DigCompHealth) to help adult educators plan and propose training pathways that are flexible and responsive to the needs of the diverse target groups of adult education.
2) Develop and test a modular and blended training based on the previous framework and aiming to promote digital health literacy at European level by focusing on the dissemination of positive collective awareness processes, peer learning and crowdsourcing.
3) Provide a set of training tools (training toolkit), including a "European Health Netiquette", a code of conduct with recommendations for promoting health literacy for training centres and policy makers, together with guidelines for transferability and upscaling of project results.


AGRILORA project will capitalize on the Smart Agriculture business opportunity, by delivering a cost-efficient Internet of Things (IoT) agricultural sensor platform to enhance crop monitoring and improve farmer decisions. Based on advancements in ultra-low-power ultra-long-range wide-area network (ULoRaWAN) technologies, AGRILORA System will be purpose-build and optimised for mass-scale Smart Agriculture Applications. The system will be fully tested and validated in Smart Vineyards precision agriculture demonstration pilots at Experimental Stations of end-user Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus.
AGRILORA will deliver Smart Agriculture solutions validated in an operational environment (TRL7) offering: 1. Ultra-Low-Power LoRaWAN sensing end-nodes using intelligent power management and adaptive rate adaptation for longer battery lifetime 2. Battery-less agriculture sensing end-nodes using wireless power transfer and energy harvesting 3. Ultra-Long-Range WAN (U-LoRaWAN) wireless coverage extension for remote and uneven terrains using autonomous aerial gateways on agriculture drones.
The role of MDL is to support CyRIC in the theoretical and analytical aspects of the LoRaWAN geolocation and tools optimisation, providing applied scientific results beyond the state-of-the-art.


The concept of Digital Supply Chains (SCs) fosters the use of disruptive technological interventions, such as:
(1) Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs),
(2) Internet of Things (IoT),
(3) Data Analytics and Big Data (including Blockchain), and
(4) Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR). Notably, the European Commission reports that existing jobs are likely to change due to the Information Technology advancements. In this context, the European higher education students and new generation workforce should get accustomed to the new digital landscape. The BE-Digital project aims at identifying the digital needs and opportunities within the SC ecosystem to develop an innovative higher education and VET programme that provides students with digital competences and skills through the collaboration of educational and corporate organizations. The BE-Digital consortium will focus on the development of specialized courses in the four abovementioned thematic areas to promote:
(i) the integration of disruptive technologies for Digital SCs in the higher education and VET curricula to tackle skill mismatches, and
(ii) the transformation of the traditional SC business models to digital and sustainable ones. Each thematic area will comprise two courses for the students (i.e. introductory and advanced-level courses). The courses will be designed to include innovative teaching methodologies and interactive learning tools (i.e. a Serious game, a virtual scenarios for showcasing the integration of the proposed courses in the digital SC context), up-to-date material for in-class and e-learning courses, academic and company staff lectures. The suitability and quality of the developed coursed will be tested and evaluated by launching intensive pilot courses for students in the four participating countries (Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Portugal) of the BE-Digital project, further including mobility activities to support transnational and multidisciplinary collaboration in the field of Digital SCs.


BLISS aims to respond to the 'health need' and the associated need to have the tools to find, analyze and understand health-related news with an integrated educational and social intervention. These skills are part of 'digital health literacy', as defined by the WHO. The intervention is particularly urgent in the current period, in which the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are evident and severe, particularly in the population segments of developmental age. The acronym chosen, BLISS, is not accidental: the project wants to offer the beneficiaries a better quality of life and well-being for their future, thanks to the acquisition of fundamental skills for personal growth and active European citizenship. The objective of improving citizens' health has in fact a transnational scope, as clearly stated in the European Commission's eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020. In this context, digital technologies play a crucial role, contributing to the achievement of the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. The data collected from the preliminary surveys carried out by the partners show a fair degree of awareness among young people about what are the most reliable and safe resources in relation to health, as well as the importance of checking and investigating different sources. However, the vast majority of people involved states not to completely trust information on the web and is interested in acquiring appropriate skills and having access to innovative and reliable tools. The school is identified as an important actor, and the BLISS approach contributes to this. BLISS aims to contribute to the development of Digital Health Literacy in Europe through targeted training, documentation and experimentation in the school sector. In particular, the project's activities will focus on news recognition and understanding, in line with the EU's "commitment to protect societies, citizens and freedoms from hybrid threats, including misinformation and disinformation", as outlined in the Strategic Agenda 2019- 2024.


According to the Smart Specialization Strategy for Cyprus (S3CY), the tourism sector is considered as the “spearhead” for the economic development of Cyprus having a significant contribution to the national Gross Domestic Product. S3CY experts, however, pointed out that the traditional “Sea and Sun” tourism development model is obsolete and there is an urgent need for new strategi models for attracting new forms of tourism. The EnterCY project aims at developing an integrated virtual and augmented reality platform utilizing cutting-edge Information and Communication Technologies for promoting Cyprus as an attractive destination by (a) informing potential visitors about the rich cultural heritage, variety of activities and wealth of sightseeing locations of Cyprus through a spatio-temporal virtual exploration before their visit, (b) enhancing tourists experience and satisfaction by providing visual and audio guidance, navigation, as well as entertaining and learning by story-telling through augmented reality with location-awareness during their visit in both indoor and outdoor sites, (c) offering an after visit experience through immersive reality technologies, by providing tourists with a personal 360 video of their on-site tour after their visit as a memento and (d) allowing tourists to share their experience in real-time through the platform integration with social media. In all stages of the EnterCY platform, personalization will be employed for presenting the tourists with information and suggestions tailored to their personal interests and needs.


In comparison with big firms, small businesses confront several problems in the business economy. Many of them face barriers in entering trade markets, while others can confront difficulties in several sectors, such as transactions, data storage, cash flow, and security but also for efficiently protecting IP. When it comes to security issues and in particular, data storage, many companies use the Internet of Things (IoT) for this scope, as big number of devices connected to the internet give the opportunity to control data. Nevertheless, managing all of these IoT devices and the data included in them, becomes often a challenge for enterprises. In addition to this, other security issues may include other fields such as digital transactions, digital identity, communication with others, etc. The other problems that mentioned above, namely transactions and cash flow are problems that many SMEs face in the field of finances, in conjunction with other issues, such as payments, investments, etc. The objectives of the project are the following: a) Assist SMEs improve their place in business economy, b) Promote the use of new technologies in SMEs, c) Empower managers/owners of SMEs with the essential skills and knowledge regarding blockchain technology in order to help them run and manage their businesses successfully d) develop strategies and actions that present an innovative approach on blockchain technology education.


Cyprus is among the top five EU countries in terms of land area covered by the Natura 2000 network (28.8%). The primary objective of LIFE IP PHYSIS is to achieve and/or maintain a favourable conservation status for species and habitat types of community importance in Cyprus, through actions in the whole Natura 2000 network. This will mainly be possible through the implementation of the Prioritised Action Framework (PAF) for Natura 2000 in Cyprus for the Multiannual Financing Period 2014-2020, as well as the fulfilment of several targets of the EUs 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. The project's approach is to catalyse financial support from complementary funds and to ensure synergies between policy sectors for the purpose of Natura 2000 protection. Expected results: The expected result of the project is the implementation to the fullest extent possible of the Cypriot PAF 2014-2020 for Natura 2000 through both the project itself and the mobilisation of complementary funds. A total of 17 general priority measures and 42 general measures will be implemented within the framework of the project.


MILI proposal steps in to solve the aforementioned problems, through the key objective of designing and developing a novel method and prototype to simultaneously detect, and in less than 10 minutes, a selected panel of common milk contaminants (Aflatoxin-M1 and 2 antibiotics, namely Penicillin and Enrofloxacin; details are given in B2.1 under Project rationale and opportunity); for analysis at the farm level (before loading contaminated milk on the truck) and the receiving dairy industry level. It is based on optical biosensors and offers the analytical performance of laboratory-based methods, at a cost similar to that of quick screening tests. The system is composed of two basic elements: a) a functionalised smart cuvette, on which the biosensors are bound and b) a mini-fluorimeter setup that allows “reading” the biosensors and providing results to the use. This key project goal is supported by the integration of cutting-edge technology and multidisciplinary knowledge. Eventually, our primary target users are the ones in the beginning of the value chain, namely the farmers and the milk collectors/processors (dairy industries), since this is the point where aflatoxin and antibiotics are introduced in the milk. Our vision is to create a scientifically proven technology, with huge prospects for evolving into a valuable product, that could be progressively expanded, via future technological upscaling, in order to analyse other types of milk contaminants (i.e. yoghurt, cheese, butter etc.) in all levels of the dairy value chain, from farm to fork.


OLMedu project aims at the creation of an open lab for the up-skilling of HES staff in online management education. Its main objectives are:

a)To provide higher educational staff with the proper knowledge, skills and competences required to facilitate distance learning using technologies and tools of online training

b) To cultivate their ability to embed the appropriate pedagogies, into the online environment, form their teaching-learning process using online methodologies, adjusted to the training context of management education

c) To create training activities and learning material to be studied and learn how to integrate them into strategic scenarios

d) To create the capacity of HEI training staff to develop online simulations and integrate them in their training offering practice using a newly developed user-friendly tool

e) To create an open access learning repository and online community of practice for the development of online training delivery skills and competences for HEI educational staff.

The activities foreseen aim to produce the following outputs:

a) The development of training content for the up-skilling of HES in the use of ICT technologies and online training in ME

b) The development of learning material for the use of online training and ICT technologies in teaching management c) The development of a Toolbox for developing online simulations in ME

d) The development of an online learning repository for HEI educational staff OLMEdu will apply a combination of active, collaborative, experiential, reflective and transformational learning, employing project work, team work, design thinking, problem solving and other process-oriented, adult learning techniques.

Trivia about me

Refereed Journal Papers and Magazines
[J.1] Soteris Constantinou, Andreas Konstantinidis, Panos K. Chrysanthis and Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti. “Green Planning of IoT Home Automation Workflows in Smart Buildings”, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT'22), ACM, Vol. 3, Iss. 4, pp. 1-- 30, New York, NY, USA, 2022.
[J.2] Sotiris Constantinou, Andreas Konstantinidis, Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti. “Green Planning Systems for Self-Consumption of Renewable Energy”, IEEE Internet Computing (IC '22), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 7 pages, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2022.
[J.3] Achilleas Achilleos, Michalis Makrominas, Christos Markides, Rafael Alexandrou, Andreas Konstantinidis, Elena Papacosta, Panos Constantinides, Effie Zikouli and Leondios Tselepos, "Promoting active sports tourism through technology and evaluating its economic impact: experiences from Cyprus" , Taylor & Francis, Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2021.
[J.4] Constantinos Costa, Andreas Konstantinidis, Andreas Charalampous, Demetrios
Zeinalipour-Yazti, Mohamed F. Mokbel, “Continuous Decaying of Telco Big Data with
Data Postdiction”, Geoinformatica'19, Springer Press, June 2019.
[J.5] Andreas Konstantinidis, Panagiotis Irakleous, Zacharias Georgiou, Demetrios
Zeinalipour-Yazti and Panos K. Chrysanthis, "IoT Data Prefetching in Indoor Navigation SOAs" , ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT'18), Vol. 19, Iss. 1, Article 10, pp.
10:1-10:21, 2018.

Contact Info

place Gianni Freiderikou 7
1036 Nicosia, Cyprus

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